Hasselt University - Expertise Centre for Digital Media


This manual documents EMIPLIB, the EDM Media over IP libray. This library was developed at the Expertise Centre for Digital Media (http://www.edm.uhasselt.be), a research institute of the Hasselt University (http://www.uhasselt.be). As the name suggests the goal of the library is to make it easier to stream several kinds of media, including (but not limited to) audio and video.


The license that applies to the library is the LGPL. However, it is possible to specify that you wish to use GPL licensed components as well, which then causes the GPL to apply to the entire library. The license texts of these two licenses are included in the library source archive.

Note that when creating an application, you have to take the licenses of other libraries into account too. For example, if your application uses the Qt component and you accepted the GPL license for the Qt library, linking with the Qt library requires your application to be GPL too. Similarly, if your version of libavcodec was compiled as a GPL library, using the libavcodec component of emiplib will require your application to be GPL too, since you'll need to link against your GPL version of libavcodec.


The library homepage can be found at the following location: http://research.edm.uhasselt.be/emiplib/

There is a mailing list available for EMIPLIB. To subscribe to it, just send an e-mail to emiplib-subscribe [at] edm [dot] uhasselt [dot] be and you'll receive additional instructions.

Design philosophy

To be able to provide a flexible framework, the library aims to provide a large amount of relatively small components. These components each perform a specific task, for example sampling audio, writing audio to a sound file or transmitting audio packets. These components can be placed in a chain which allows messages to be exchanged between components. This way, by creating links between various components, more complex applications can be built.

Apart from the core of the library which was just described, the library also aims to provide a set of wrapper classes which implement such combinations of components. This makes using media over IP a lot easier for the user of the library: instead of linking several components together manually, one would simply have to create a VoIP session object for example. However, if more flexibility is needed, the user can still quite easily combine several components manually.

Library core

In this section, the library core is described in more detail. First, some basic aspects are explained. Afterwards, we'll take a detailed look at the internals of the core.


As was briefly mentioned in the 'Design philosophy' section, the core of the library consists of three parts:

Components are described by classes derived from MIPComponent and can be placed in a chain, described by MIPComponentChain. When the chain is activated, messages are distributed over the links present in this component chain. Such messages are described by classes derived from the MIPMessage class.

Suppose we have two components, a soundcard input component 'sndin' and a soundcard output component 'sndout'. We'll place these components in a chain called 'loopchain' and start the chain:


This will inform the chain that the first component is 'sndin' and that there exists a link between 'sndin' and 'sndout'. When the chain is started, a background thread is created which does the following:

As indicated above, the timing in the loop is performed by the first component in the chain. In this case it is done by the soundcard input component itself.


Below, we'll take a closer look at the library internals. First, a description is given about how the chain is built, after which the message passing system is explained. Finally, the feedback mechanism is presented.

Building the chain

Connections between components can be specified using the MIPComponentChain::addConnection method. This simply adds the specified connection to a list of connections stored inside the chain. One component also has to be marked as the start of the chain. This is done using the MIPComponentChain::setChainStart method. It is this component which will receive the first message: a MIPSystemMessage with subtype MIPSYSTEMMESSAGE_TYPE_WAITTIME.

When the MIPComponentChain::start function is called, the previously built connection list is reordered in such a way that iterating over the connections will automatically generate the correct message distribution sequence. The figure below is an example of a chain which starts with a timing component. Suppose that connections were added in the order indicated by the numbers next to the connections.


The algorithm organizes the connections by placing the components in layers. The first layer is simply the component set by the MIPComponentChain::setChainStart method, in this case the timing component. The algorithm then iterates over all connections, looking for connections which start with the timing component. For each such connection, the connection is removed from the list and added to the list of ordered connections. The end point of the connection is added to the next layer. When the first layer is processed, it is replaced by the next layer which was just constructed. For each component in this new layer, the algorithm is repeated. This creates the layered structure already shown in the figure above. The list of ordered connections will be the following : 4, 2, 1, 6, 3, 5.

If no start component was specified or if the algorithm found some connections which are not reachable, an error is returned.

Distributing messages

If the chain could be started, a background thread is spawned which will distribute messages between the components. The chain itself creates a MIPSystemMessage instance with subtype MIPSYSTEMMESSAGE_TYPE_WAITTIME and sends it to the first component in the chain, using the MIPComponent::push method. The chain locks the component during this call, using the MIPComponent::lock and MIPComponent::unlock functions.

This message instructs the first component to wait until the rest of the messages can be distributed. When this component's push function returns, the background thread starts iterating over the ordered connection list. For each connection in the list, the begin and end components are locked. Messages are extracted from the component at the start of the connection using its MIPComponent::pull implementation and are fed into the endpoint of the connection using its MIPComponent::push implementation. More information about the push and pull methods can be found in the MIPComponent documentation.

If one of the push or pull methods return false, the thread calls the MIPComponentChain::onThreadExit member function and exits. The name of the component which generated the error as well as a description of the error is passed as arguments of this function.

Feedback chains

The message distribution system only supports passing messages to components futher on in the chain. For several reasons it may be desirable to pass information the other way. This can be done by specifying that feedback should be given along a specific connection, using the third parameter of the MIPComponentChain::addConnection member function.

Before starting the background thread, feedback chains ar built, based upon the infomation in the connection list. For example, suppose that in the figure above, connections 1 and 3 were marked as feedback connections. In that case, a feedback chain would be built consisting of the following components: RTP component, RTP audio encoder, Soundfile input.

When the background thread is running, after distributing the messages, feedback messages are distributed. For each feedback chain, a MIPFeedback message is created and is passed through each component in the feedback chain using the MIPComponent::processFeedback member function. By implementing this function, a component can access or modify feedback information.

Note that several feedback chains may exist; they can even have the same component at the end of the chain. However, no two chains can pass through the same component since there is no way to merge the feedback information of the two chains.

Branching and merging

The example in the section 'Building the chain' already shows that, from a specific component (e.g. the timer), you can create connections to several different components (e.g. the message dumper and soundfile input components). It's even possible to let such subchains merge again. In the following example, two different soundfile components are used, each reading data from a different file:


The data from each file is then resampled so that a single sampling rate is obtained. An audio mixer will merge the audio from the two files into a single output stream, after which a block of mixed audio data is sent to the sound card using an appropriate encoding.

Now suppose that one of the soundfiles already possesses the appropriate sampling rate. In that case, passing its data through a sampling rate converter will not really be necessary, and at a first glance you might think that the following chain avoids this unnecessary operation:


However, if we perform the connection ordering procedure from above, the following ordering can arise:

Timer -> Soundfile input 2
Timer -> Soundfile input 1
Soundfile input 2 -> Mixer
Soundfile input 1 -> Sampling rate converter
Mixer -> Sample encoder
Sampling rate converter -> Mixer
Sample encoder -> Soundcard output

In this case, a block of audio will be extracted from the audio mixer before a block of audio will be transferred from the sampling rate converter to the mixer. In the best case scenario this will cause an offset of one stream with respect to the other, in other circumstances it may even be possible that one stream will be discarded.

So in general, when using branches that merge again, you will probably want to use an equal number of components in each branch to avoid such issues. To help make branches of equal length and avoid unnecessary copying of data, the MIPComponentAlias class may come in handy.


In the following section, several examples show how components can be linked together. The complete source code of these samples can be found in the 'examples' subdirectory of the library archive.

Handling errors

Before building some component chains, we'll create some error checking functions. The following two functions will check for an error which occured in a component or a component chain respectively.

#include <mipcomponent.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <unistd.h>
void checkError(bool returnValue, const MIPComponent &component)
if (returnValue == true)
std::cerr << "An error occured in component: " << component.getComponentName() << std::endl;
std::cerr << "Error description: " << component.getErrorString() << std::endl;
void checkError(bool returnValue, const MIPComponentChain &chain)
if (returnValue == true)
std::cerr << "An error occured in chain: " << chain.getName() << std::endl;
std::cerr << "Error description: " << chain.getErrorString() << std::endl;

Of course, it's also possible that something goes wrong in the background thread. To be able to detect this, we'll derive our own class from MIPComponentChain and override the MIPComponentChain::onThreadExit member function.

class MyChain : public MIPComponentChain
MyChain(const std::string &chainName) : MIPComponentChain(chainName)
void onThreadExit(bool error, const std::string &errorComponent, const std::string &errorDescription)
if (!error)
std::cerr << "An error occured in the background thread." << std::endl;
std::cerr << " Component: " << errorComponent << std::endl;
std::cerr << " Error description: " << errorDescription << std::endl;

A very simple chain

The first chain we'll make is very simple. At the start of the chain, we'll place a timing component which will be connected to a component which simply writes the message type and subtype of incoming messages to the screen. The first component is of type MIPAverageTimer, the second is of type MIPMessageDumper. Including error checking code, the program will look like this:

#include <miptime.h>
int main(void)
// We'll initialize the timer to generate messages after 0.5 seconds.
MIPAverageTimer timer(MIPTime(0.5));
MyChain chain("Simple chain");
bool returnValue;
// The timing component and message dumper don't require further
// initialization, so we'll just add them to the chain.
returnValue = chain.setChainStart(&timer);
checkError(returnValue, chain);
returnValue = chain.addConnection(&timer, &msgDump);
checkError(returnValue, chain);
// Now, we can start the chain.
returnValue = chain.start();
checkError(returnValue, chain);
// We'll wait five seconds before stopping the chain.
returnValue = chain.stop();
checkError(returnValue, chain);
return 0;

If all went well, every half second you'll see some messages appear on your screen. After five seconds this will stop.

A sound file player

In the following example, a simple sound file playback program will be created. Note that this program will only be able to play uncompressed audio files (like WAV files) but not MP3 files for example. At the start of the chain, again a timing component will be placed. This component will send a message to a sound file input component (MIPWAVInput) which will send raw audio messages to the soundcard output component. Depending on the platform we'll use either the MIPOSSInputOutput component or the MIPWinMMOutput component. Note that neither of these output components expect audio data in floating point format, which is the sample encoding used by the sound file input component. To perform the conversion, a MIPSampleEncoder component is inserted into the chain.

#include <miptime.h>
#include <mipwavinput.h>
#ifndef WIN32
#include <mipwinmmoutput.h>
#include <miprawaudiomessage.h> // Needed for MIPRAWAUDIOMESSAGE_TYPE_S16LE
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
MIPTime interval(0.050); // We'll use 50 millisecond intervals
MIPAverageTimer timer(interval);
MIPWAVInput sndFileInput;
#ifndef WIN32
MIPOSSInputOutput sndCardOutput;
MIPWinMMOutput sndCardOutput;
MyChain chain("Sound file player");
bool returnValue;
// We'll open the file 'soundfile.wav'
returnValue = sndFileInput.open("soundfile.wav", interval);
checkError(returnValue, sndFileInput);
// Get the parameters of the soundfile. We'll use these to initialize
// the soundcard output component further on.
int samplingRate = sndFileInput.getSamplingRate();
int numChannels = sndFileInput.getNumberOfChannels();
// Initialize the soundcard output
returnValue = sndCardOutput.open(samplingRate, numChannels, interval);
checkError(returnValue, sndCardOutput);
// Initialize the sample encoder
#ifndef WIN32
// The OSS component can use several encoding types. We'll ask
// the component to which format samples should be converted.
returnValue = sampEnc.init(sndCardOutput.getRawAudioSubtype());
// The WinMM output component uses signed little endian 16 bit samples.
returnValue = sampEnc.init(MIPRAWAUDIOMESSAGE_TYPE_S16LE);
checkError(returnValue, sampEnc);
// Next, we'll create the chain
returnValue = chain.setChainStart(&timer);
checkError(returnValue, chain);
returnValue = chain.addConnection(&timer, &sndFileInput);
checkError(returnValue, chain);
returnValue = chain.addConnection(&sndFileInput, &sampEnc);
checkError(returnValue, chain);
returnValue = chain.addConnection(&sampEnc, &sndCardOutput);
checkError(returnValue, chain);
// Start the chain
returnValue = chain.start();
checkError(returnValue, chain);
// We'll wait until enter is pressed
returnValue = chain.stop();
checkError(returnValue, chain);
// We'll let the destructors of the components take care
// of their de-initialization.
return 0;

When the program above is executed, the sound file 'soundfile.wav' will be played. If the file does not exist or if something else goes wrong, an error message will be displayed.

Creating a feedback chain

In the following example, we'll make use of a feedback chain. The application we'll create will read data from a sound file, stream it using RTP to the same application and play back back the sound. The received frames will be passed to a mixer which makes sure the frames are played in the correct order and which can mix several streams if necessary. The RTP audio decoder component requires feedback from the audio mixer to be able to calculate the correct offset of received frames in the output stream.

#include <mipconfig.h>
#include <mipcomponent.h>
#include <miptime.h>
#include <mipwavinput.h>
#ifndef WIN32
#include <mipwinmmoutput.h>
#include <mipulawencoder.h>
#include <miprtpdecoder.h>
#include <mipulawdecoder.h>
#include <mipaudiomixer.h>
#include <miprawaudiomessage.h> // Needed for MIPRAWAUDIOMESSAGE_TYPE_S16LE etc
#include <rtpsession.h>
#include <rtpsessionparams.h>
#include <rtpipv4address.h>
#include <rtpudpv4transmitter.h>
#include <rtperrors.h>
#if !(defined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN32_WCE))
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#endif // !(WIM32 || _WIN32_WCE)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
// We'll be using an RTPSession instance from the JRTPLIB library. The following
// function checks the JRTPLIB error code.
void checkError(int status)
if (status >= 0)
std::cerr << "An error occured in the RTP component: " << std::endl;
std::cerr << "Error description: " << RTPGetErrorString(status) << std::endl;
class MyChain : public MIPComponentChain
MyChain(const std::string &chainName) : MIPComponentChain(chainName)
void onThreadExit(bool error, const std::string &errorComponent, const std::string &errorDescription)
if (!error)
std::cerr << "An error occured in the background thread." << std::endl;
std::cerr << " Component: " << errorComponent << std::endl;
std::cerr << " Error description: " << errorDescription << std::endl;
int main(void)
#ifdef WIN32
#endif // WIN32
MIPTime interval(0.020); // We'll use 20 millisecond intervals.
MIPAverageTimer timer(interval);
MIPWAVInput sndFileInput;
MIPSamplingRateConverter sampConv, sampConv2;
MIPSampleEncoder sampEnc, sampEnc2, sampEnc3;
MIPULawEncoder uLawEnc;
MIPRTPComponent rtpComp;
MIPRTPDecoder rtpDec;
MIPRTPULawDecoder rtpULawDec;
MIPULawDecoder uLawDec;
#ifndef WIN32
MIPOSSInputOutput sndCardOutput;
MIPWinMMOutput sndCardOutput;
MyChain chain("Sound file player");
RTPSession rtpSession;
bool returnValue;
// We'll open the file 'soundfile.wav'.
returnValue = sndFileInput.open("soundfile.wav", interval);
checkError(returnValue, sndFileInput);
// We'll convert to a sampling rate of 8000Hz and mono sound.
int samplingRate = 8000;
int numChannels = 1;
returnValue = sampConv.init(samplingRate, numChannels);
checkError(returnValue, sampConv);
// Initialize the sample encoder: the RTP U-law audio encoder
// expects native endian signed 16 bit samples.
returnValue = sampEnc.init(MIPRAWAUDIOMESSAGE_TYPE_S16);
checkError(returnValue, sampEnc);
// Convert samples to U-law encoding
returnValue = uLawEnc.init();
checkError(returnValue, uLawEnc);
// Initialize the RTP audio encoder: this component will create
// RTP messages which can be sent to the RTP component.
returnValue = rtpEnc.init();
checkError(returnValue, rtpEnc);
// We'll initialize the RTPSession object which is needed by the
// RTP component.
RTPUDPv4TransmissionParams transmissionParams;
RTPSessionParams sessionParams;
int portBase = 60000;
int status;
status = rtpSession.Create(sessionParams,&transmissionParams);
// Instruct the RTP session to send data to ourselves.
status = rtpSession.AddDestination(RTPIPv4Address(ntohl(inet_addr("")),portBase));
// Tell the RTP component to use this RTPSession object.
returnValue = rtpComp.init(&rtpSession);
checkError(returnValue, rtpComp);
// Initialize the RTP audio decoder.
returnValue = rtpDec.init(true, 0, &rtpSession);
checkError(returnValue, rtpDec);
// Register the U-law decoder for payload type 0
returnValue = rtpDec.setPacketDecoder(0,&rtpULawDec);
checkError(returnValue, rtpDec);
// Convert U-law encoded samples to linear encoded samples
returnValue = uLawDec.init();
checkError(returnValue, uLawDec);
// Transform the received audio data to floating point format.
returnValue = sampEnc2.init(MIPRAWAUDIOMESSAGE_TYPE_FLOAT);
checkError(returnValue, sampEnc2);
// We'll make sure that received audio frames are converted to the right
// sampling rate.
returnValue = sampConv2.init(samplingRate, numChannels);
checkError(returnValue, sampConv2);
// Initialize the mixer.
returnValue = mixer.init(samplingRate, numChannels, interval);
checkError(returnValue, mixer);
// Initialize the soundcard output.
returnValue = sndCardOutput.open(samplingRate, numChannels, interval);
checkError(returnValue, sndCardOutput);
#ifndef WIN32
// The OSS component can use several encodings. We'll check
// what encoding type is being used and inform the sample encoder
// of this.
uint32_t audioSubtype = sndCardOutput.getRawAudioSubtype();
returnValue = sampEnc3.init(audioSubtype);
// The WinMM soundcard output component uses 16 bit signed little
// endian data.
returnValue = sampEnc3.init(MIPRAWAUDIOMESSAGE_TYPE_S16LE);
checkError(returnValue, sampEnc3);
// Next, we'll create the chain
returnValue = chain.setChainStart(&timer);
checkError(returnValue, chain);
returnValue = chain.addConnection(&timer, &sndFileInput);
checkError(returnValue, chain);
returnValue = chain.addConnection(&sndFileInput, &sampConv);
checkError(returnValue, chain);
returnValue = chain.addConnection(&sampConv, &sampEnc);
checkError(returnValue, chain);
returnValue = chain.addConnection(&sampEnc, &uLawEnc);
checkError(returnValue, chain);
returnValue = chain.addConnection(&uLawEnc, &rtpEnc);
checkError(returnValue, chain);
returnValue = chain.addConnection(&rtpEnc, &rtpComp);
checkError(returnValue, chain);
returnValue = chain.addConnection(&rtpComp, &rtpDec);
checkError(returnValue, chain);
// This is where the feedback chain is specified: we want
// feedback from the mixer to reach the RTP audio decoder,
// so we'll specify that over the links in between, feedback
// should be transferred.
returnValue = chain.addConnection(&rtpDec, &uLawDec, true);
checkError(returnValue, chain);
returnValue = chain.addConnection(&uLawDec, &sampEnc2, true);
checkError(returnValue, chain);
returnValue = chain.addConnection(&sampEnc2, &sampConv2, true);
checkError(returnValue, chain);
returnValue = chain.addConnection(&sampConv2, &mixer, true);
checkError(returnValue, chain);
returnValue = chain.addConnection(&mixer, &sampEnc3);
checkError(returnValue, chain);
returnValue = chain.addConnection(&sampEnc3, &sndCardOutput);
checkError(returnValue, chain);
// Start the chain
returnValue = chain.start();
checkError(returnValue, chain);
// We'll wait until enter is pressed
returnValue = chain.stop();
checkError(returnValue, chain);
// We'll let the destructors of the other components take care
// of their de-initialization.
#ifdef WIN32
return 0;

If this example works, you should hear the sound file 'soundfile.wav' being played. Note that the file may sound different than expected since it is resampled to a 8000Hz sampling rate.

Available components

The easiest way to browse the components is to take a look at the directory structure.

In principle, a specific component instance can be used in multiple chains since each chain will lock the components being used. However, only few components are actually usable by multiple chains. For most components, synchronization problems will arise!

Available wrappers

Currently, two wrapper classes are available: